Kult of Morena at city surfer office

Location. City surfer office – small one room gallery in the office of the record company in Žižkov.

Curator. not mentioned

Artists. Jarmila Mitríková & David Demjanovič graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava in 2011. Mitríková (* 1986) studied at the studio pottery by Ivica Vidrové and painting studio with Ivan Csudaia. Demjanovič (* 1985) studied in the studio of intermedia by Anton Black. Although both of them are  successfully devoted to different forms of art, their duo project combines the burning pyrography. In their work they are working with several motifs associated with their geopolitical space: Christian and pagan traditions, mysticism, superstition and mystification of history, public mass social events, folklore and nationalism.

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Exhibition. The show presents pictures of alternative history of Czechoslovakia with public cremation of the meritorious members of society, state-controlled propagation of spiritualism and  worship of pagan gods as a method of suppressing Catholicism progress, preparing youth to fight the class enemy using traditional incantations and occult practices.

Personal Opinion. The show is a great example of an intercultural text with rich imaginary and complex coding, presenting the clash of two worlds in Czechoslovakia, a historical situation which is known to any territory that had to undergo some sort of conversion on the social and spiritual levels.

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