Gábor Koós: 20-year-old forest at Kostka Gallery

Location. meet factory – is an non-profit art center for contemporary art, theater and music that has 3 gallery spaces, artist studios, a music hall and a theater and provides possibilities for interdisciplinary exchange. It is located a bit far from the city center but it is worth a long ride, and you can always come for the open studios night or browse through the galleries before a concert for a full experience.

Curator. Zuzana Jakalová

Artist. Gábor Koós is an emerging Hungarian artist of Slovakian origin who lives and works in Budapest and is currently finishing his residency program at meet factory.

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Exhibition. «Out of his experience with a forest nearby Lučenec where he spent his childhood and adolescence years, hungarian artist Gábor Koós creates an emotional landscape of this familiar and beloved piece of land.» — a condensed description of the show, that offers much more than a visual memory of the artist, it recreates the time and space as well as the sum of energy spent to catch the moment.

Personal Opinion. This is clearly not the first time that Gábor is working with the woodcut imprints, he has been creating printed memories of the objects that are dear to him but this work like no other creates the atmosphere and in a way echoes Penone’s work in a forest nearby his house.

Despite the fact that Gábor’s work has a strong physical presence it feels as if it was made of air: an effect that is produced by the gaps in the printing and the web of monochrome lines in the reflection. As a memory that can never stay fully preserved in our mind even if we try to contain it in a photograph or a video, his work has a quality of fragility and gentleness. Maybe this is the reason why the viewers are intimidated by it, they are afraid to damage it, as any new memory damages the old one little by little distorting it and forcing it out of our brain. On the other hand it might a completely new experience for the viewer to find himself in a four-dimensional space of the artist’s private memory, to be inside it and to be able to see yourself being their. Conceptually it is may be a difficult experience from the point of view of subject-object relations, in this situation for a moment you might be lost, trying to establish a regular direct position of a spectator.

Whatever the magic behind this show is, the show is a great example of a live art and a live creator using the given space of Kostka gallery at its maximum and with a great effect.

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