Martin Horák at Fotograf Gallery

Location. Photograph gallery is the gallery connected to the Fotograf magazine; its primary goals are  «to show the youngest progressive generation of artists as well as the older generation and artists whose work was wrongfully underestimated. Furthermore, the gallery would like to support curatorial projects either with a national or an international character, through all the generations, which would include more than just the sphere of photography itself.» It is supported by the Ministry of Culture and by the Magistrate of City of Prague. Fotograf Gallery is a white-cube space with the traces of the original architecture of the building.

Curator. Jiří Ptáček

Artist. Martin Horák bv-5pq1jWEc dbUkwV7SX6A Exhibition. I have already touched upon the question of the superimposition of the future on the heritage in the post about a trio show at the Colloredo-Mensfeld palace, and this show develops this topic but in a slightly different way. The exhibition of the 20-year-old prints by Jiří David, a well-known Czech photographer, who created series of the mirrored photographs of the famous people may be no surprise, but the fact that these prints were ripped of a wall by a young artist and stayed conserved under his mattress for so long, the fact that they are worn out and yellowish after all these years of providing ‘support’ gives this show a conceptual twist, it creates a retrospective and a personal story.

Personal Opinion. One of the aspects of this show that seems vital to me is the text, for a simple reason that if we imagine a spectator walking in clueless into the room and witnessing all the Monroe posters what would happen at best is that he would recognize the work of David and receive it as a collection of his posters. But once we introduce the story behind the posters to the viewer, his or her attention immediately shifts to the idea introduced in the show and away from the figure of Monroe or David.

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