Bone collectors at Hunt Kastner

Location. Hunt Kastner Galerie is a private gallery that supports mostly young Czech artists and is known for presenting its artists on the international level.

Artist. Dominik Lang  an established Czech artist; was awarded the Jindrich Chalupecky Award in 2013; is known for his unique approach to the art space and its architecture.

Exhibition. The latest show by Dominik Lang presents a massive skeleton of a mythic creature that has inhabited the gallery’s central space and left a wall of the back room for an almost minimalist piece with the sculptor’s tools.


Personal Opinion. It is always surprising to me how some artists have the talent and the skill to involve the space of the exhibition into the show, to make it a part of the artistic experience other than just use it. And there are many ways to transform a room physically and visually, but Lang has managed to incorporate the space of Hunt Kastner gallery almost without even touching it: he has used the relatively small size of the space to force the view inside the sculpture and to create a feeling of a spectacle with the simplest materials; he has turned pipes and sticks into a beast, into an unknown specimen of great visual weight. The effect that it has on a viewer is similar to what must have been the effect of the first display of the dinosaur’s skeletons: the viewers are simply hypnotized by it and by the fact that it somehow fits into this space.

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