After the End of Art by Daniel Vlček and Levi van Veluw at Drdova Gallery

Location. Drdova Gallery Drdova Gallery works to support the future of its artists; the continually evolving practice of established artists, and the wide–ranging potential of emerging and new talents. primarily focuses on the co-operation with Czech and Slovak artists of the young and middle-aged generation. The space provides two white cube rooms for the shows, one spacious with big open windows, and a smaller discreet area.

Curator. Václav Janoščik

Artist. Daniel Vlček is an established Czech artist and dj,  founder and curator of the Ferdinand Baumann gallery, Berlinskej Model, member of the Groupe Guma Guar, teacher of graphic art and prints graphic. As a music producer and organizer he creates a visual paraphrase of the compositional elements of electronic music. As it is explained in the introduction to his work at Drdova website : “On his canvases, Vlček constructs geometric sets of basic circular motives with the diameter of the vinyl (“brush”) he has used.” and the major aspects of his work include “the search for links to music (after all, music represents another creative field of the artist) and the craftsman’s know-how -pressing vinyl grooves onto wet paint in a circular motion.”

Levi van Veluw  is a visual artist from Amsterdam who explores the topic of the time and deconstruction on his work.

Exhibition. The show contains a number of the most recent works by Daniel and a video by Levi that both illustrate visual and stereo perception of time and motion. The works are put together in triptychs and diptychs according to the time-period; Levi’s work appears as a surprise in the second dark room.

Personal Opinion. The curatorial intention behind this exhibition is to show that there is still vast areas of artistic exploration for visual art and more precisely for abstract painting after the “end of art” following the ideas of Arthur Danto. From this perspective Daniel creates the works of art that exist on the intersection of the media from the past and the abstract visual art of the present, he has created a language that translates and combines music and art together resulting in solid monochrome paintings.

(c) Drdova gallery webpage
(c) Drdova gallery webpage

Levi’s work is dedicated to the idea of temporality and the moment of end in the abstract and monochrome video art as he recreates the moment of the end in the Collapse of Cohesion 


Altogether the exhibition produces an effect of something solid and aesthetically pleasing even though the works themselves may be seen as an attempt to rediscover fields of the abstract painting and music that already existed on the Czech art scene and are presented by the older generation of artists.

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