Tomáš Motal: Traum records at Nod Mini

Location. NoD Mini Galleri is a tiny white corner on the ground floor of the cafe, pass the cloak room. This space does not provide enough room to host big shows, but is enough to make a statement and place several small pieces if they work well together.

Curator.Tereza Kopecká

Artist.Tomáš Motal is a singer of an electro-punk band Schwartzprior, vinyl album art designer. The artists claims that the cover art of the vinyl has the same value as the artistic image. Graphic design plays a very important role for vinyl covers, which are very popular again today.

As he is interested both in music and graphics, Tomas creates decadent graphic comics, whose heroes are often frontmen of rock bands. He later repackages vinyl with fictional band covers, which are now at the display at Nod Mini.

Personal Opinion. It is hard to assess such a small show, but what stands out the most is the availability of the works: anyone can come and hold the covers, as if it were in the vinyl shop (it seems some of them were already taken by the visitors), which of course is no surprise as NoD positions itself as an experimental space. On top of that the quality of the works is impressive and if there are no real bands to have these covers Tomas was right to create his own.

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